How to buy tickets

  • 【1】Please select the ticket type and the number of tickets.
  • 【2】How to choose a seat
    【2】and【3】are omitted for shows with no seat selection.
    Choose and click a section from the seat map above.
    Also,the numbers of the list below refers to the number on the seat map.
    There are no available seats in grey section of the list.
    Press next button to go on.
  • 【3】Blue colored seats are available.
    Choose the number of the seats you required from blue colored seats.
    When you click the seat, seat number appears below in order of level, row, seat number.
    After choosing the seats, go next.
  • 【4】Please enter your name, email address and password.
    Select the payment method and delivery method, and click [次へ]button.
  • Usable credit cards are: VISA, MASTER, JCB, Diners Club, & AMEX
    When your order has been completed, it shall be setteled to your credit card submitted.
  • Payable at all Seven-Eleven stores.
  • Ticket Pick up at Seven-Eleven
  • 【5】Please make sure that the information you entered is correct, and if it is correct, click the "申し込み" button.
    If you wish to modify your application, please click the [申し込み取り消し] button and re-do your order.
  • 【6】Your order has been completed.
    Please check out for an e-mail of notification that your order has been completed.
    You may also check your orders by clicking the【申込履歴・抽選結果ページ】button.
  • How to confirm your reservation

  • 【1】Please click 【About Purchase history】.
  • 【2】Please enter your e-mail address and password used for making the reservation and press 【次へ】to move on.
  • 【3】Your ticket order shall appear.
    Press 【詳細】button and details will appear.
  • ■In case you purchased with your credit card and picking your tickets up at a Seven-Eleven store
    When your order is complete, you will receive an official "order completed" notification and "Guidance to Ticket Pick up at Seven-Eleven" by e-mail. You will need to present your Seven-Eleven Exchange Number(13digits) listed in the guidance mail to the clerk to finally receive your acutal tickets.

    ■In case you choose to pay at a Seven-Eleven store and also picking your tickets up at a Seven-Eleven store
    When your order is complete, you will receive an official "order completed" notification and "Guidance to Ticket Pick up at Seven-Eleven" by e-mail. Please present the "Seven-Eleven Payment Number(13digits)" to the clerk as stated in the Guidance.
    Pay for the tickets and tickets shall be received. Please note that the reservation will be voided if payment and pickup are not received within 4 days of the reservation.

    You can also check your "Seven-Eleven exchange Number" by logging in. (How to log in: Plase see "How to confirm your reservation" section of this page.)
    After logging in, click the Seven-Eleven icon.

    Please show the 13 digit number on the screen to the register.

    ◆Contact Us

  • Kyodo Tokyo TEL: 0570-550-799 (Weekdays 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Satudays, Sundays, & Holidays 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM)
    Available only in Japan.
  • Copyright © KYODO TOKYO INC. All Rights Reserved.